
Neighbourhood planning: share your views on good and bad design

July 21 2022

Chesham Town Council reports that it is working to develop Neighbourhood Development Orders (NDOs) which ‘will aim to deliver new homes and places across Chesham in a sustainable and beautiful way’.  (An NDO can grant planning permission for specific types of development on a specific site or neighbourhood area.)  Working in partnership with specialist urban design consultancy Create Streets  the Council has put together an interactive map which enables residents to share our views on (and we quote) ‘what good looks like’ in Chesham, thus helping to inform the design of new buildings and streets. You can comment on any place or building on the map, good or bad, and say whether – in your view – it would be good precedent for future development in the town. 

Click here to open the map, then follow the instructions that appear. 

The exercise is part of the process of creating Chesham’s Neighbourhood Plan. Sign up here to receive updates on neighbourhood planning in Chesham from the Town Council.  

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