Local Plan for Buckinghamshire and Local Transport Plan 5 Survey – your chance to take part
The new Local Plan for Buckinghamshire and the Local Transport Plan 5 are two important Buckinghamshire Council strategies.
Bucks Council has shaped these Visions and Objectives based on the responses we received from you through the Discovery and Exploration Phase. We want to hear your views.
You can fill out the survey questionnaire online on Your Voice Bucks at:
There are other ways to comment. A pdf of the questionnaire survey has been added to Your Voice Bucks. This can be downloaded and then emailed or posted to the Planning Policy Team.
· The email address is planningpolicyteam.bc@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
· The postal address is Visions and Objectives Consultation, Planning Policy, Buckinghamshire Council, Council Offices, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe HP11 1BB.
If you are a young person, or know a young person who would like to tell us their views on the plans, see our young people’s survey at: