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The Chesham Society Annual General Meeting

Registered charity number: 1083213

Replies to secretary@cheshamsociety.org.uk

Members are invited to receive the report of the officers and accounts for the year ending
31 December 2023 at the Society’s Annual General Meeting to be held at 19:30pm Friday 26 January 2023 in the Council Chamber, Chesham Town Hall.

Nominations are invited for members to serve as Trustees on the Executive Committee. Members are invited to nominate themselves or other members (with their consent) for any of the positions. Nominations should be sent to the above address not less than ten days before the meeting. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor on the evening. A ballot will be held to elect the officers and committee.

All members are welcome to come along for what will be as usual a friendly gathering and an opportunity to speak to committee members – we want to know what the Society can do for you!

Please find attached the minutes of the 2023 AGM and an agenda for this coming AGM.

We are keen to hear from members who would like to serve on the 2024 committee, particularly in the roles of secretary and vice-chairman. If the new committee does not have the required number of committee members, or if any of the named posts are unfilled, the Society will not be able to fulfil a number of its tasks, so please consider joining us on the committee.

Refreshments will be served as usual at the close of the meeting.

Aidan Harris
Chairman, The Chesham Society

Nomination of Officers and Trustees:

Chairman: Aidan Harris
Vice-Chairman: Vacant
Honorary Treasurer: James (Jim) Conboy
Honorary Secretary: Vacant
Membership Secretary: James (Jim) Conboy
Social Media and Publicity Secretary: Vacant
Events Secretary: Roderick McCulloch
Committee member: Vacant

Friday 26 January 2024 : 7:30 am 9:00 pm

Free event £0.00